We do US Passports, Visa, Citizenship, and Immigration photos
The United States Government requires passport photos with very precise specifications. Speedy Photo offers you passport photos that are guaranteed to meet those specifications and pass U.S Government standards.
We will take a few different shots digitally and you can choose the one you like best.. The whole process only takes 5 minutes.
We are the photography studios recommended by
The Canadian Consulate for both Canadian Passport and Immigration Photos
We also do photos for all foreign countries like:
Australian, Netherlands / Dutch, German, Russian, the Philippines
No Appointment Necessary (Monday-Friday 11-6, or Sat 11-4)
Walk-in is welcome! To have your photo taken, please visit our store today.
Need a photo for a foreign passport, nurse or teacher license, application, VISA, or work ID with non-standard photo specifications? No problem! We can handle that. Just bring in a print-out of the current specifications and we'll make it happen for you.
Yes, we do baby passport photos too! Please make sure your child is awake when you come in.
Passport Photo Prices